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Tides Hale Keiki afterschool program is a one-hour Marine Biology experience for children grades K-6th, located at Hale Keiki school in Honolulu, Hawaii.  Nature journals in-hand, students learn about marine creatures, marine plants, birds, tide pools, ecosystems, and sustainability. Tides is lead by our wonderful biologist head teacher and assistant teacher who have plenty of experience teaching children about the wonders of Marine Biology.

Students receive our custom written marine biology curriculum, which includes games, activities & art projects. With over 100 lessons written, students will always get a new topi each class and session. 3 new aftershool sessions each year!

Classes offered:

  • Tuesdays (K-2nd) - Weekly lesson, outdoor learning, nature-journaling, note-taking, art, reading, and beach play.

  • Thursdays (3rd-6th) -  Weekly lesson, outdoor learning, nature-journaling, note-taking, art, reading, and beach play.


Tuesdays and Thursdays, located at Hale Keiki, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Tides is a year-long program, with 3- 10 week sessions, each school year. Join us for 1-10 week session or all of our 10 week sessions. New curriculum and a brand new marine biology topic each week, and each semester.

  • Hale Keiki

    • Sessions Available:

      • Tuesdays- 3:00 - 4:00 PM - K-2nd Grade

      • Thursdays- 3:15 - 4:15 PM - 3rd - 6th Grade

Fall and Spring Dates:

  • Session 1- 10 Weeks: August 26 –November 8

  • Session 2- 10 Weeks: November 11 - February 7

  • Session 3- Dates TBD February - April


10 Week Session = $200

  • $50- Non refundable deposit towards tuition

  • $150 - Tuition

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